“You and your team put on a great conference and it was a pleasure to be a part of it. “
“I am still in awe over the scope and quality of TiECon Kerala 2013. It was so very done. The content was great, the ambience just right. Lots of energy all around. I go to many Chapters and events but it is rare that I feel the warmth and caring that emanates from our great group of Charter members of TiE Kerala family”
“You are here to fulfill your dreams of building wealth, to discover your innate talents and share these talents with others. I am glad to be part of that”
“First of all a big hand to TiE Kerala President John Paul and his entire team for pulling of this Great Conference – Probably the Largest gathering of Entrepreneurship in South India on regular annual basis”
“Traditionally Malayalees have never shied away from Entrepreneurship. Having an Entrepreneur in every home is our Mission and this year’s TiEcon is to showcase the Malayalee Entrepreneur to the world”
“Entrepreneurs are change agents and they generate knowledge, employment & wealth in the society. It is indeed laudable that TiE Kerala puts in sustained efforts in transforming Kerala into a State of job providers rather than job seekers through their TiEcons”